In October I walked 60 miles in 3 Days for Breast Cancer research. I raised over $2300 and my team raised over $12000 total.
We re-created all the posters around camp. :)
After the walk, we spent a quiet Halloween with friends watching Twilight. Shortly thereafter I became completely obsessed with the books and read all 4 in 7 days. That was pretty much all I did that week. I went to work and then read all night.
In November we got another new car. Keith is now driving a Honda Insight. He drives about 30 miles each way to and from work so we thought a hybrid was in order. He loves it.
We got the car on Wednesday and then cleaned the house for my dad and Keith's whole family. We had a fried turkey, prepared in an infrared fryer without any oil and a prime rib. I have never made prime rib before but it turned out well. We had 12 people over on Thursday. It was a great holiday.
Now it's back to work tomorrow for a few weeks until Christmas. Hopefully I won't wait so long to post again.