I'm 25 weeks now and I'm feeling movement all the time. He seems very active. If Keith puts his hand on my stomach, Jackson really kicks hard. It's like they are playing together. Here is a picture of my giant belly.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
25 weeks
I'm 25 weeks now and I'm feeling movement all the time. He seems very active. If Keith puts his hand on my stomach, Jackson really kicks hard. It's like they are playing together. Here is a picture of my giant belly.
Monday, September 13, 2010
the wonders of pregnancy
I finally started feeling well enough to not take Zofran every day around 20-21 weeks. I thought that the toilet hugging was behind me and life was going to be grand. Fast forward to last Tuesday, 23 weeks, at lunch. I was sitting with some teachers in a classroom eating my lunch and feeling great. All of a sudden I knew I was going to throw up. I got up to head to the bathroom and calmly said, "I'm going to throw up" well apparently that calmness didn't relay to the others how immediately I was going to throw up. I told one of them to give me the trash can and she said, "it's right there" I was like "I can't get it" so then she realized that I was in fact going to throw up right then and gave me the trash can. I threw up in the trash can as I walked down the hall to the bathroom and then projectile vomited my lunch (spaghetti) all over the toilet in the staff bathroom, my dress, my whistle, and my lanyard. So here I am surrounded by spaghetti with tears streaming and a dirty dress. I wiped the toilet the best I could, thank God the custodian was already on her way in to do her scheduled cleaning, cleaned my dress, threw away the whistle and lanyard, threw away the trash bag from the little can, and headed out. I passed 3 people who looked at me like they had seen a ghost and asked if I was okay. By this time another teacher had brought my kids back from the lunch room so now I'm surrounded by 22 1st graders who are expecting me to entertain them. I buzzed the front office and an AP came to my room. I explained that I needed to go home and change because I had thrown up on myself. She let me leave and I was back within 20 minutes in a clean dress. It was not the best day and I think it will be a while before I eat spaghetti again!
In other news Jackson is kicking away like a soccer player. Last night Keith was listening to my belly with a stethoscope and every time he put it on the baby would kick really hard in that exact spot. It was really funny and felt very strange. I have also started having heart burn. I have never had it in my life but I quickly became friends with Berry Tums and it's not so bad.
Today my doctor said my weight is good and everything looks great. I go back in two weeks for a glucose test and a shot. Since I have A- blood I have to get this injection now and then take some medicine after he is born to make sure I don't make any antibodies that could cross the placenta in future pregnancies. Fun!
In other news Jackson is kicking away like a soccer player. Last night Keith was listening to my belly with a stethoscope and every time he put it on the baby would kick really hard in that exact spot. It was really funny and felt very strange. I have also started having heart burn. I have never had it in my life but I quickly became friends with Berry Tums and it's not so bad.
Today my doctor said my weight is good and everything looks great. I go back in two weeks for a glucose test and a shot. Since I have A- blood I have to get this injection now and then take some medicine after he is born to make sure I don't make any antibodies that could cross the placenta in future pregnancies. Fun!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
a shameful admission
Today I decided to clean out our fridge. I am ashamed to say that I threw away a garbage bag full of food. As I was reading expiration dates and purging old items I started thinking about how bad it really was that I was throwing out all this food. When I was little I remember people saying, "there are starving kids in China who would love to have that food" and I just ignored them. But there really are starving kids and adults all over the world and I'm throwing away food.
You should know that we try to save money in every way possible. We have new windows, new furnace, and new insulation to save on electricity and gas bills. We use Netflix to save on movie rentals. We clip coupons. We shop at outlet malls. (Now I will admit that most of this is because of Keith, he is the saver and I'm the spender. ) Keith Boddie does not like to waste money!
But now with a baby coming I have been trying to be more conscientious about spending, asking myself if I really need things before I buy them. I am good at this everywhere except the grocery store, and Target but that's another story. I am Kroger's favorite shopper. Those 10 for $10 deals get me every time. I don't really need a box of macaroni noodles but for $1 I might use them, Campbell's soups on sale for $1 better stock up. So we end up with a fridge and pantry full of unused items that I just had to buy. I think that I have enough canned soup to last a life time. We don't really even eat canned soup! So I made a list today and actually bought only what was on it, except for 2 things but I am really going to use them. I also decided to whip out my phone and add things up as I went so I could actually see what I was spending. I spent about half what I would have normally spent!
We have had conversations with friends in the past about grocery spending, because that's how exciting we are, and it is always determined that the Boddies spend more at the store than almost everyone else. Now I know why, I'm throwing it away three weeks later. So from this day forward Kroger will not be tricking me with their fabulous 10 for $10 sales, I am making a list and sticking to it!
You should know that we try to save money in every way possible. We have new windows, new furnace, and new insulation to save on electricity and gas bills. We use Netflix to save on movie rentals. We clip coupons. We shop at outlet malls. (Now I will admit that most of this is because of Keith, he is the saver and I'm the spender. ) Keith Boddie does not like to waste money!
But now with a baby coming I have been trying to be more conscientious about spending, asking myself if I really need things before I buy them. I am good at this everywhere except the grocery store, and Target but that's another story. I am Kroger's favorite shopper. Those 10 for $10 deals get me every time. I don't really need a box of macaroni noodles but for $1 I might use them, Campbell's soups on sale for $1 better stock up. So we end up with a fridge and pantry full of unused items that I just had to buy. I think that I have enough canned soup to last a life time. We don't really even eat canned soup! So I made a list today and actually bought only what was on it, except for 2 things but I am really going to use them. I also decided to whip out my phone and add things up as I went so I could actually see what I was spending. I spent about half what I would have normally spent!
We have had conversations with friends in the past about grocery spending, because that's how exciting we are, and it is always determined that the Boddies spend more at the store than almost everyone else. Now I know why, I'm throwing it away three weeks later. So from this day forward Kroger will not be tricking me with their fabulous 10 for $10 sales, I am making a list and sticking to it!
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