Not that I have a baby to put in it but I got a stroller today. I went to BuyBuyBaby thinking that I wanted either the BOB Revolution or the Phil and Ted sport buggy. I ended up with the Baby Jogger Summit XC. I liked it a lot better than the other two. It seems more durable and had more padding. I still need to buy the kit to attach the car seat. Now I'll have no excuse to not get back in shape after he's born (yeah right I bet I think of a few)!

By the way, if you haven't been to Buy Buy Baby I suggest you check it out. It's huge. It's owned by Bed Bath and Beyond and is set up pretty similarly. They have everything for babies and a huge selection to choose from. Today was my first time there but I think I'll be frequenting more often, plus they send out coupons like Bed Bath and Beyond does so you can save $5 off one item or sometimes 20% off one item.