Now we had a sort of "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" situation going. Since we had sprayed the ceiling and gotten paint on the wall, we decided we needed to paint the walls. We used the sprayer to put on the primer. So now it's time to clean the sprayer. Again, we have no manual, and we can't take the laptop outside to look at the one online, so it's a guessing game. We did not hook it up right and paint/water sprayed all over me. My face and body were covered in white spots. I wish I had taken pictures but all I could do was stand in the driveway and laugh. Together, Keith and I finally figured it out and got it cleaned out.
Now since the walls are primed, we have to paint them. I go to Lowe's and get a sample of blue and a sample of green. We don't like either. Back to Lowe's for another sample of green, which we liked. So today we painted the walls with rollers because we were not about to tackle that sprayer again.
Overall it turned out well. A little painting adventure is always fun and a good reminder of why it's important to choose the colors you like and never, ever paint over them.
Maybe I should have moved the TV wire before taking the picture :)
Your bedroom looks really pretty! You did a great job :)