Last Tuesday, December 28, I went to the doctor for my 39 week visit. My dad came to Georgia the day after Christmas so he went with me just to get out of the house. When I got there my blood pressure was high and there was protein in my urine. The mid wife came in and checked my blood pressure 2 more times, and then told me I was going across the street to the hospital. When I got to the hospital I had to check in at labor and delivery for more tests and monitoring. They told me that I didn't have to call my husband at work at this point because I might go home in an hour. At this point my dad was more nervous than I was. As they began to monitor my blood pressure and run blood tests it became clear that all was not well. My blood pressure climbed to 160/124 in a matter of hours. I called Keith and told him how high it was and he left work immediately. By the time Keith got to the hospital at 3 it had been determined that I would be having a C-Section at 5:30 that afternoon and that they would start an IV of magnesium.

The magnesium made me so sick and weak that Keith had to do everything for the baby on Wednesday, including holding him while I nursed so I wouldn't drop him! After they took me off the magnesium I began to feel better by the hour. By Thursday morning I was walking around on my own and able to shower and wear my own clothes. We got to come home on Friday afternoon around 3:00.

We have been home for almost a week now and things get easier every day. Jax went to his pediatrician on Tuesday is already back to 7lbs 10 oz. He was 7 lbs 13 oz at birth and 21 inches long. I feel like I could write down everything he does because it all seems precious to me! It is truly amazing how you can love one little person so much in such a short time.
Oh sister, I'm sorry you had such a tough "baby story". That baby face is so sweet, I just want to kiss him! He looks so much like you. We all can't wait for more pictures. Rest and enjoy these days, hours, minutes.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry things didn't go exactly as you planned but I'm soooo happy the story has a happy ending! Thank you so much for sharing it!! And be prepared for your love to grow even more day by day. Children are truly a gift and a blessing from God. Enjoy every moment, even the trying ones, because one day (in the not so distant future) he won't be small anymore. Although I tell Jack all the time that I'm going to give him kisses and hold him even when he's 30.....and believe me, I mean it! ;)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the birth of Jackson. (By the way, love the name. One I would have used if my husband did not hate it.) It is funny how labor does not seem to work out how you plan. So glad to hear that Mom and baby are doing so well, though. But what a cutie! Enjoy him.