Friday, July 13, 2012

What year is it?

Lately I have been trying my hand at home canning. I want to make Hudson's baby food like I did Jackson's but he'll be starting solid foods at a time when fresh fruits won't be local and affordable. I ran into the same problem with Jackson. I ended up using frozen fruits and some dried fruits. I didn't want to do that this time so I decided to make the purees and can them. 
I read about canning on the internet and found that for baby food you have to use the pressure canning method so I bought a pressure canner. I bought about 20 pounds of fresh, ripe fruit and got to work. It took me an entire day but I ended up with 24 half pint jars of baby food. I did pears, plums, peaches, apricots, and berries. 
On the baby food websites it says that making your own baby food saves money over store bought baby food. I can tell you that I have not saved a cent! By the time I bought the canner, jars, and organic produce I probably could have bought 1,000 jars of baby food. However, saving money is not my goal; I want to know that my baby is eating the best foods I can provide for him. Making my own baby food lets me know exactly what's in the jar and as he grows I can introduce him to lots of flavors and textures that aren't available in the baby food aisle. 
Last week I also did some canning for Keith's grandfather. I did beef vegetable soup and some vegetables. It's been interesting trying new things in the canner. Next year we plan to plant a bigger garden and do some vegetables, soups, and sauces. That'll be no problem with 2 toddlers, right?

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

New bedrooms

This week we have been working on moving Jackson over to his big boy room and getting the nursery ready for Hudson. We did a dinosaur theme for Jackson and whales for Hudson. I love both rooms, I think they turned out really cute. Jackson has done well with the transition. Sometimes he takes advantage of his ability to get out of the bed by himself but after I put him back in bed he usually stays.


On June 16 we headed out for a family vacation to Indian Pass, Florida. Our good friends, the Beachums, went with us. The 6 hour trip took us close to 8 hours. Keith decided that traveling with a baby, a pregnant lady, and a 7-year old was not the fastest way to get anywhere! We had a great week of relaxation and got out of there just before the tropical storm moved in. Jackson really enjoyed the sand but was not a hug fan of the water. We also learned that he hates canoeing. That was a disaster trip, he ended up laying in the bottom of the canoe and crying.

Red Snapper

Dancing in the breeze

Playing hide and seek

His favorite part of the beach

snuggling with Mama

waving to the Beachums

Our traveling buddies

Sand is so fun

Waves are not as fun

His preferred way to be in the water
playing in the hose